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Costume Rental Shop

224 Commercial Street, Waterloo, IA 50701


Thursdays from 4-7 pm

or by appointment

Just stop in to browse or select a costume













Very reasonably priced -- Complete costumes start as low as $35 

We rent entire shows or individual items. Prices vary from costume to costume. We rent accessories like hats, misc jewelry and hair accessories, ties, feather boas, and other misc items. We sell wigs, makeup and other misc accessories to complete the ensemble. Some good quality prom dresses are for sale. We have vintage hats for sale. We have a variety of Santa and Easter Bunny Ensembles!! We have children's as well as adult costumes!

****Sorry, we do not rent out shoes******












Partial list of Shows available

A Christmas Carol


Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day



Disney's Beauty & the Beast


Camelot (With or Without Armor)


Charlie Brown

Charlotte's Web

Charley's Aunt

Fiddler on the Roof



Guys & Dolls

Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Little Women

The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe

Lion in Winter

Music Man




Raggedy Ann & Andy

Secret Garden

Shrek: The Musical

Skin of Our teeth

The Sound of Music

State Fair

Wizard of Oz





Couples Costumes

Aladdin and Princess

Batman and Catwoman

Cow and Farmer

Cowboy and Saloon Girl

Devil and Angel

Disco duo

Dog Catcher and Dog

Fred and Wilma Flintstone

Greaser and Pink Lady


Maid and Butler

Mobster and Flapper


Renaissance King and Queen

Robin Hood and Maid Marian

Scarecrow and Dorothy from Wizard of Oz

Scottish Highlanders

Sonny and Cher

Wizard and Witch



Costume inventories are available upon request. Shipping cost both ways is the responsibility of the theatre renting the costumes. All costumes must be returned cleaned and intact. Rental does not include shoes, tights or wigs. This is a partial list of shows available. Please call and inquire about other shows or individual costumes. We are willing to work with anyone and may be able to offer suggestions. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.




Inquire for rates and deposit requirements based on number of costumes in your order.

For school rentals, a letter of responsibility must be provided by the theater instructor. The instructor assumes full and total responsibility for pulling and returning costume items.

Absolutely NO dyeing, distressing, or permanent alterations are allowed. No major alterations may be done without the authorization of the Costume Shop Manager.



  • A rental deposit is required (amounts vary, usually twice the rental fee)

  • Rentals are for three to six days

  • Accepted forms of payment: Cash, Check, Credit or Debit Card

  • Checks are to be made out to: Waterloo Community Playhouse

  • A SECURITY DEPOSIT IS REQUIRED for all rentals. Checks and Credit Cards for Deposits will not be cashed or charged unless return is late or damage found. Deposits will be returned only after all items have been returned.  If returned in good order fee is totally refundable


PLEASE NOTE – The following items are not available for private (non stage) rentals:
Police, Postal Workers, KKK, or Nazi



  • Costumes may be altered to fit, but must be returned to their original condition before they are returned. Costumes that are returned with alterations will be charged an alteration damage assessment to cover the labor costs to return the costume to its original size and/or pre-rental condition. This includes hems that are left in place following your production.

  • All alterations must be sewn. No costume may be sent into production with safety pinned alterations. Tape, iron-on bonding web, glue, or any other type of adhesive may NOT be used on costumes.

  • Costumes may NOT be cut, dyed, painted, or permanently altered. You may NOT “improve” costumes, this includes adding trims or other embellishments, especially trims that incorporate sequins as that may render our costumes not cleanable.

  • If our costumes are permanently altered without permission you will be charged the replacement value of the costume.

  • All name tags must be removed prior to the return of rental costumes.
    Reasonable wear to the items is to be expected and accepted. Knee slides are NOT to be performed while in costume. Stage blood may NOT be used on or around costumes.
    Renter agrees to accept costumes on an “as is” basis with the understanding that costumes may have imperfections.
    Care should be taken with hats to insure that they are not crushed or disfigured while being used and/or transported. Please do not put hats in garment bags with costumes when returning

  • All items must be returned clean and in good repair.

  • Any costumes returned with damages will be assessed at full costume replacement value.

  • There is a late fee of $10.00 per day if costumes are not returned on the date agreed and in the same condition as they were rented.

  • Please use dressing room to try on costumes.  We do not allow costumes to be tried on in the aisles. Use of dressing rooms may be arranged at the Desk.  All dressing rooms must be properly cleaned when you are done.

  • Please refrain from consuming food or drinks in the costume area.


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